Rogersville United Methodist Church
Let's pray.
Welcome, and thank you for visiting Rogersville United Methodist Church online. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.
Our Mission
We believe that the door to salvation is always open and so are the doors to our church. Our mission is to be fully devoted to Jesus by opening our arms to those in search of the truth. We show God’s love and concern for our fellow man at every opportunity. Through works of charity and opening our doors to listen and love, we feel that we are walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
Prayer is the best thing we can do for each other! Let's draw closer to the Lord together. Let's turn everything over to Him. May we pray for you or your family? A situation you're concerned about or one that you're thankful for? Drop us an email below and we will be in touch with you to pray. Amen!
Services are held in the main sanctuary:
Sunday Morning groups meet at 9:00 AM and worship at 10:00 AM.
Wednesday night groups for all ages meet at 6:00 PM.
Celebrate Recovery meets Friday night; meal at 5:30, worship at 6​
Latest News
We welcome Walter Cash as our Pastor.​
Nov 3: All Saints Day; potluck after worship.
Relief Fund
Show your community support and donate to Fish and Loaves OR Little Red School House OR Becoming fund.
We invite you to join our mailing list and receive emails of news, events or special worship schedules.
This Week's Sermon
Watch the latest message on our Facebook page